Purpose:The purpose of this lesson is to follow the food chains of flesh eaters that man uses for food (tuna) and non-flesh eaters that man uses for food (cow).
Objective: Students will discover that flesh foods are eaten more because they taste good
and are conveniently prepared, than for their nutritional value.
Students will discover that at the bottom of every food chain is a plant.
Students will discover that when cows are given something (cow flesh) not a part of their natural food chain they get sick (mad cow disease).
Materials: Encyclopedias, list of Flesh (meats) that people eat, construction paper,notebook, pencil, Magic School Bus Video (Food Chains), nutrition/vitamin and mineral charts, sequence graphic organizers, old magazines with food and or animals in them, scissors, glue
1. The students will brainstorm the Flesh meats they eat or have heard about people eating. This includes Fish. A student will write the list on the board.
2. Students will get into groups of three or four and research the food chain for each choice.
3. Each group will have a sequence chart for each meat researched.
4. Then the magazines can be used to make visual food chains. Find the animal or draw it at the top of a sequence chart your group will make out of construction paper. Be sure to draw or find the food for each level in the food in the chain and place it in its proper order. (It may be flesh orplant)
1. What did you find?
2. What is at the bottom of all food chains?
3. What is at the top of these?
4. Do we have to eat the flesh to get to these nutrients/proteins?
5. What alternative ways can we get them?
6. Why do we eat the flesh meats?