Houteff, Victor T.
The Entering Wedge: The Genesis of Diet and Health
UniversalPublishing Assn., Missouri, 1999 This booklet covers every aspect of a complete vegetarian diet including the causes of diseases, what flesh eaters should know, what vegetarians should know, food combinations, calories, minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. It includes a section on sleep, water, and a few recipes.
Market News,
Genetically Engineered Food
, January 2000 pp. 48, 49 This article gives the positives and negatives of genetically engineered food plus List the foods that are likely to be GE. Also foods and name brands that are not GE.
Schardt, David
How to Avoid Pesticides
, Nutrition Action Health Letter, June 1997 This article is quite extensive. It is in a question and answer format that is very easy to read for grades 5 and up.
White, E. G.
Ministry of Healing
, Pacific Press Publishing, California 1942 This book covers a wide range of nutritional topics dealing with preventive methods of healing. There is much more than nutrition is this book.
White, E. G.
Counsels on Diets and Foods
, Review and Herald Publishing Assn. Maryland, 1976 This book covers The Original Diet, The Simple Diet, An Adequate Diet, Digestion, Diet during pregnancy, and Diet in Childhood, and much more.
Vegetarian Times - www.vegetariantimes.com Dec. 2000 issue
Vibrant Life: A Christian Guide for total Health, Special Issue,
, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, Maryland, 1973 This issue covers the positives of being a vegetarian including how are teeth are not made to eat flesh, and flesh eating is damaging to the human body.
EWG- www.ewg.org
Hallelujah acres - www.hacres.com
NRDC - www.ndrc.org
CSPI - www.cspi.org
CHEC - www.chec.org
Beyond pesticides - www.beyondpesticides.org
NIEHS - www.niehs.nih.gov
Food Pyramids- http://www.semda.org/info/