The standard USDA Food Pyramid, regardless of which culture it represents, falls way short of the mark for obtaining top quality health. It contains too much grains and meat and not enough fruits and vegetables. Remember the ox and the elephant? If scientists and doctors can use rats to test for cures for the diseased human body (RATS), why not learn from the healthy ox and the elephant?
For Optimum Health consider trying the 80% (group 1) and 20% (group 2) method described in this unit. Let the lessons from the Modern Machine and the Lessons from Nature help you to make this momentous step. Give it one (1) month to a year. I assure you, you will feel the positive difference. And maybe, just maybe some of those health problems your families suffer from, because they have always eaten the same things, the same way, from generation to generation can begin to reverse or go away.