Creating a list of non-GE brands and products for consumers is an on going and labor intensive task. The list below is not complete. It is intended as a starting place for shoppers just learning about GE. If you don’t see some of your favorite products on this list, please contact the manufacturers and ask them to call Mothers for Natural Law to be added to this list (515-472-2809). They will check their non-GE status and add them to the list as appropriate.
Here are some specific brands and products that, according to researchers at Mothers for Natural Law, do not contain genetically engineered components.
Dairy Products: Organic Valley Dairy states that all of their products are made with 100% organic ingredients.
Legumes: All Eden legumes
Grains: All Eden grains
Flours: Arrowhead Mills (white rice, kamut), All Eden flours
Nuts and Seeds: almonds, brazils, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds sunflower seeds.
Sweeteners: Eden organic malted grain sweeteners, Kogee Organic Cane Sugar, organic cane sugar, pure USA honey, Sucanat.
Syrups: Eden organic malted grain sweeteners, Spring Tree Pure Maple Syrup
Olive Oils (Extra Virgin): Eden, Spectrum Natural
Other Oils: Eden (Organic Sesame, Toasted Sesame, Hot Pepper Toasted Sesame, and Safflower Oil), Spectrum Natural (Coconut, Safflower, Walnut).
Vinegars: Eden Apple Cider
And many more…