calories- unit of heat or of energy got from food
impoverished- make poor
abstemiousness- not eating or drinking too much
hereditary - from parents, grandparents, or great grand parents; not one’s own fault
communicative - as a result of some communication, direct or indirect
acquired - self-created
organic- not treated with chemicals
inorganic- not living; not animal or vegetable
disease- illness
constipation- make it difficult to move the bowels
genetically engineered -- the largest food experiment in the history of the world
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
WHO - World Health Organization
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
immune system- protects against something bad, as a disease
pesticides - chemicals used to get rid of or prevent insect infestation
USDA- United States Dept. of Agriculture
food pyramids -- USDA’s answer to balancing diet of human beings
CPSC - Consumer Products Safety Commission
proteins- nitrogenous substance essential to diet
carbohydrates- compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as sugar or starch
fats- oily animal substance