1. Canfield, John and Buckman David; “World Resource Oil,” Wayland Publishers Limited, Priory Press Limited 1976, 49 Landowne Place, Howe, Sussex
2. Oil and Gas In 1983, Shell Briefing Service No. 2, 1984, Shell International Petroleum Company Limited (PA/012), London
3. Springborn, Harold W., “The Story Of Natural Gas Energy,” American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA. 22209
1. American Petroleum Institute. “Oil, Gas and The Challenge Of The Arctic”; 1220 L Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005.
2. Canfield, John and Backman, David. “World Resources Oil”; Wayland Publishers Limited, Priory Press Limited, 49 Landowne Place, Howe, Sussex.
3. Scientific America. “World Oil Production”; Vol. 238 No.3 March 1978.
4. Scientific American. “Natural Gas”; Vol. 185 No.5 Nov. 1951.
5. Scientific American. “Secondary Recovery Of Petroleum”; Vol. 213 No.1 July 1965.
6. Shell Technology. “Enhanced Oil Recovery By Miscible and Chemical Methods”; Shell International Petroleum Company Limited (PA/012), London, No. 2, 1982.
7. Shell Briefing Service. “Oil and Gas In 1983”; Shell International Petroleum Company Limited (PA/012), London, No. 2, 1984.
8. Springborn, Harold W. “The Story Of Natural Gas Energy”; American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209, 1980.
9. The Natural Gasbook; American Gas Association; 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209, 1984.