Joanne R. Pompano
Cyanazine is a synthetic pesticide manufactured by DuPont and sold under the name Bladex. Cyanazine, which is atrazine with cyanide attached to it, has been used since 1971. It is the fourth most widely used synthetic chemical pesticide applied in the United States. Millions of pounds are used on cornfields every year to control grasses and broad leaf weeds. Cyanazine, under certain conditions, will remain at significant levels in surface water for over a year. It has been reported in groundwater up to 29 ppb and surface water in many states. (79)
There are a number of birth defects attributed to the use of Cyanazine including abnormalities of the eye, diaphragm, and brain in several species of animals. Deformities such as cleft palate and skeletal development are also being investigated. (80)
Three separate studies conducted on rabbits and rats reported a dose-related increase in anopththalmia and microphthalmia. These problems occurred at doses from 4 mg / kg in rabbits and 25 and75 mg /kg in rats. (81)