Joanne R. Pompano
Grade Levels:
9, 10, 11, and 12
Resources /
Materials: food labels brought from product students’ use, websites
Analyzing food labels is an excellent method to teach nutrition using readily available resources. This activity can easily be integrated into related activities such as: math (measurement, price comparison) and social studies (government regulatory agencies such as the FDA and USDA; and art and language development (packaging design, advertisements and commercials, letters of inquiry; computer skills (locating and use of websites.)
To help make healthy and intelligent dietary choices students need to be aware of the nutritional value of food products.
Goal: Students will be taught to read labels on food packages to determine the nutritive values of the contents
Students will:
1. become familiar with the basic dietary needs of the human body
2. become aware of the nutritional information presented on food labels
3. recognize that food processing package and label products to attract consumer to maximize their sales
4. learn to write a letters to officials who play a part in determining the food available to consumers (food processors, fast food companies, dietary planners (cafeteria administrators), and government officials.
Activities and Procedures: Teams will examine food labels:
1. Review the six basic dietary requirements for maintaining a healthy body (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water)
2. Thoroughly read information provided on packaging. List complete ingredients and grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat per serving.
3. What nutrients do in the body
Discuss the type of packaging and labeling techniques used to attract and presumably inform the consumer. Note what is included (additives, cholesterol, calorie count), what is misleading (terms such as organic) and what is not included (type of pesticides)
4. Request or research information from companies concerning their products including fast food chains, websites on products, information fact sheets produced by the company or consumer groups. Analyze information provided by company vs.Information from governmental and consumer organizations.