CT New Generation Science Standards:
At the macroscopic scale, energy manifests itself in multiple ways, such as in motion, sound, light, and thermal energy. (HS-PS3-2) (HS-PS3-3)
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transported from one place to another and transferred between systems. (HS-PS3-1),(HS-PS3-4)
The availability of energy limits what can occur in any system. (HS-PS3-1)
Uncontrolled systems always evolve toward more stable states - that is, toward more uniform energy distribution (e.g., water flows downhill, objects hotter than their surrounding environment cool down). (HS-PS3-4)
Although energy cannot be destroyed, it can be converted to less useful forms—for example, to thermal energy in the surrounding environment. (HS-PS3-3), (HS-PS3-4)
Create a computational model or simulation of a phenomenon, designed device, process, or system. (HS-PS3-1)
Changes of energy and matter in a system can be described in terms of energy and matter flows into, out of, and within that system. (HS-PS3-3)
Models (e.g., physical, mathematical, computer models) can be used to simulate systems and interactions - including energy, matter, and information flows - within and between systems at different scales. (HS-ETS1-4)
District Standards:
Identify the three basic assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory.
Describe the basic differences between solids, liquids, and gases in terms of the kinetic theory.
Describe energy changes accompanying a change of state.
Describe the physical properties of gases.
Describe volume, temperature, and pressure of a gas and their units of measurement.
Apply the relationships between pressure, temperature, concentration and volume to gas behavior (i.e. Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law).
D INQ.7 Assess the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation.
D INQ.8 Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms.
D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic.