Curriculum Units in Humanities
Teaching Connecticut Academic Performance Test Skills in High School Classrooms Contents | Reference Lists
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Units in the Arts
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume II | Art and Identity in Mexico, from the Olmec to | The Aztecs: | The unit can be used in conjunction with a unit from 1992, "The Indians’ Discovery of Columbus." This unit presents the conquest of Mexico and the downfall of the Aztecs. Readings cover topics in history, religion and culture. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Art and Identity in Mexico, from the Olmec to | Learning to Appreciate | The unit introduces students to the native cultures of Mesoamerica with a focus on the influence of native culture on art. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Art and Artifacts: the | The Shang: A Brief History | The unit examines the art of the Shang Dynasty. A short answer essay exam is provided. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Art and Artifacts: the Cultural Meaning of Objects | African Art and Aesthetics | The unit takes an interdisciplinary approach to teaching in an Introduction to Art class. The unit combines history, reading and analysis using African art as its main focus. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Art and Artifacts: the Cultural Meaning of Objects | The Tainos of Puerto Rico: Rediscovering Borinquen | The unit examines the artifacts of an indigenous population and traces the influences on modern vocabulary, music and beliefs of Puerto Rico. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Symbolic Language | Preserving Memory: | The unit focuses on artists and architects who use their work to preserve memory. Works presented in the unit include: AIDS Quilt, Washington Monument, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Minority Artist in America | Photography: | The unit takes an interdisciplinary approach to tracing the history of photography and the rise of African American artists and photographers. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Writings and Re-writings | Dividing the Spoils:
| The unit examines two 16th century communities: in Europe - Spain & Portugal, and in the Americas - Amazonia. The unit analyzes conflicts and struggles surrounding conquests in the Amazon rain forest. The unit also includes the film The Mission. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | The Family in Art | Interpreting Selected | The unit is designed to guide students through analysis of works of art that reflect an African American cultural experience. The unit uses an object analysis approach, which includes lessons in description, deduction and speculation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Responding to American Words and Images | Integrating Printmaking | The unit uses short stories and poetry to provide art students with themes for developing personal and creative responses in printmaking. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Topics in Western | The English Guild | The unit uses the idea of a guild as a model for learning about and producing art. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | History as Fiction in Central | The Art and Times of | The unit analyzes the life, philosophy and paintings of Diego Rivera. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Skeletal Materials – | Three Dimensional Art of | The unit is divided into two parts – the anatomy of a human skeleton and the anatomy of a shell. The main focus of the unit is to allow students to understand anatomy in order to paint and draw with a better understanding of form and function. Lesson plans guide students to drawing a full human figure. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Elements of | Piece of Mind | The unit analyzes poetry’s ability to enhance and assist in the instruction of architecture. Exercises revolve around building design. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Elements of | Interior Structure Design | The unit presents basic design analysis and decision making in architecture. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | An Unstable World: The | Visions of People:
| The unit examines the lure of the ukiyo-e print and its influence on French impressionism. The unit includes discussions of major artists - Degas, Cassart, Gauguin, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Art, Artifacts and | The Portrait as a 80.02.01 | The unit presents ways to interpret Singleton’s work from various perspectives and within various contexts. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Art, Artifacts and | VIEW: Visual | The unit presents a study of material culture by teaching students to analyze artifacts as historical documents. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Art, Artifacts and | Poetry and Paintings: A | The unit explores visual and auditory reactions to poetry and paintings. Topics presented in the unit include: mood, symbol, metaphor and pattern. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Art, Artifacts and | Early Man in North | The unit examines the role of archeology in studying man and the environment. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume I | The Use and Abuse of | Parenting in the Movies: | The unit uses film to analyze American values and responsible parenting for teenagers. Topics discussed include courtship, marriage, parenting and child-care. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Race and Representation in | Hollywood and | Designed for an English class, the unit focuses on films that depict college life in an effort to motivate students who may not consider attending college. The films included are: School Daze, Higher Learning, Hoop Dreams and Men at Moorehouse. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Race and Representation | Black Actors in | The unit focuses on acquainting students with individual actors and with each performer’s historical significance in film. Actors presented are: Paul Robeson, Nina Mae McKinney, Ethel Waters, Dorothy Dandridge, Ivan Dixon, Sidney Poitier, Laurence Fishburn and Denzel Washington. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Race and Representation | In Their Own Words: | The unit includes both viewing videos and reading scripts. The main focus is on the historical advancements of African American filmmakers, specifically Oscar Micheaux and Matty Rich. The unit also includes lessons on writing a screenplay. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Film and Literature | Women in Film: | The unit presents issues on gender & identity, relationships between men and women, and images of black women and white women in film. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume I | The Use and Abuse of | Teaching Music Through | The unit uses music to teach students the concept of "spacious present" – the ability to see oneself in detail in a different time period. The unit covers, not only music skills, but also music’s relationship to history. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Blues Impulse | They Lived in Music: Blues | The unit takes a theatrical approach to teaching the roots of Blues. Students perform a dramatic piece to experience the form, style and African American perspective on Blues. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Minority Artist in | The Evolution of Rap Music in the United States | The unit combines the study of rap music with a study of ‘hip hop’ culture in America. The history of both the music and culture of rap/hip hop is traced back to specific events in New York City. It includes both film and music selections. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | The Family in Art | Cajun Music: the Voice of | The unit can also be used in U.S. History, Literature, Music or Art classes. It is designed to teach Cajun music within the context of its culture using an object analysis approach. The object analysis approach includes exercises in description, deduction and speculation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Oral Tradition | The Organ Tradition: | The unit analyzes the organ tradition from before Christ, through the 19th century in America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | An Unstable World: The | Black American Musicians: | The unit traces the history of black music from the early 1900s to the Jazz Age. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume II | Film and Literature | Teaching Acting Technique | The unit presents "the American Acting Method" for classroom instruction and for analyzing major films. Films included are: On the Waterfront, A Streetcar Named Desire, Viva Zapata! In addition, scenes from Fried Green Tomatoes and The Breakfast Club are incorporated. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Film and Literature | Literary, Theatrical and | The unit covers reading and interpretation of drama through presenting the text in relation to playwright, director and actor. In addition, the unit provides lessons for teaching the importance of visual and acoustic elements in an analysis of drama. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Contemporary American | Acting Up in | The unit is centered on the preparation and enactment of a mock trial. Topics addressed are: the causes of crime, criminal investigation procedures, and courtroom procedures. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Drama | The Teacher Directs: | Designed for a high school English class, the unit teaches the elements and effect of movement, improvisation and staging in drama. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Units in Foreign Language
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume II | Poetry in the Classroom: | Preciosite and Dandyism: | The unit analyzes the 17th century literary period in France and combines an analysis of poetry with background information on Moliere and Dandyism. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Writings and Re-writings | French Creoles in
| The unit examines the French explorers and settlers who established a claim to the New World. The unit includes an extensive timeline of Louisiana history. The unit also defines and explains the traditions surrounding Creole and Gombo culture. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | American Communities | Double Minority: | The unit analyzes the plight of the Haitian population in Haiti and in America. Lessons included address the history of Haiti and the immigration of Haitians to America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Immigrants and American Identity | The Cajuns: Natives | The unit explores the Cajun culture in southern Louisiana and is designed for classes in French III, IV and V. The unit discusses immigration, history, daily life and traditions. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | Les Mis | The unit presents portions of Les Miserables as historical fiction. It also provides extensive background on Victor Hugo. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Topics in Western | Masks, Costumes, | The unit uses Moliere’s Le Bouregeois Gentilhomme as a basis for studying the rise of the Bourgeois and the fall of nobility in France. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Society and the | Reading is a Mystery | The unit guides students through reading a mystery novel in French. Lesson plans include comparing traditional vocabulary to popular French terms and improving reading comprehension skills in French. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume III | Immigration and | The Non-immigrant | The unit examines forces that caused Puerto Ricans to leave and later return to their island. One major lesson provides an analysis of Puerto Rico’s status as a state, commonwealth or independent country. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Reading Across the Cultures | Other Voices – Latino and | The unit examines the concept of voice in Latino and Chicano literature. The unit also discusses the concept of the American Dream. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Twentieth Century Latin | The Influence of Musical | The unit is recommended for students who have completed one year of Spanish. The main focus of the unit is on presenting Langston Hughes’ poetry as a bridge to analyze and understand the poetry of Nicolas Guillen. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Twentieth Century Latin | Survey of Latin-American | The unit uses the literature of Sandra Cisneros, Julia Alvarez and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende to explore Latin-American heritage. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Student Diversity and Its | New Movements for | The unit examines the struggles of three distinct communities of people in America: Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Cubans. Lessons ask students to analyze concepts such as ethnicity, multiculturalism and diversity. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Remaking America: | Los Voces del Caribe: | The unit examines recent migrants/immigrants. Information on Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican immigration is presented. Two films are included: Puerto Rican Passages and A Dream Ensnared. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Coming of Age in | El Sabor del Caribe/A | The unit presents Latino authors who use food as a symbol for identity, patriotism, religious hypocrisy and nostalgia. Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic are the countries referred to most in the unit. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Understanding the Ancient | Cultural Aspects of | The unit addresses language variations in Spanish spoken in America. The unit includes three lessons titled: New World Foods, A Trip to the Marketplace and Poetry and Art. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Writings and Re-writings | Dividing the Spoils:
| The unit considers two 16th century communities: in Europe - Spain & Portugal, and in the Americas - Amazonia. The unit analyzes conflicts and struggles surrounding conquests in the Amazon rain forest. The unit includes the film The Mission. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume II | The Family in Art | Cajun Music: the Voice of | The unit can be used in U.S. History, Literature, Music or Art classes. The unit is designed to teach Cajun music within the context of its culture using an object analysis approach. The object analysis approach, which includes lesson plans in description, deduction and speculation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Latin American Lives: | In Search of the "Yo" in | The unit presents the explorations of Christopher Columbus. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Modern Short Story in | Three Short Stories from | The unit uses stories of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jorge Luis Borges, and Juan Rulfo to teach Latin-American culture and reading comprehension in Spanish. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Modern Short Story in | Mexico: Introduction to | The unit is designed for a Spanish II or higher and discusses Mexico’s geography, literature, art, music and cuisine. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Writings and Re-Writings | Spain in Puerto Rico: The | The unit traces the growth of Puerto Rico from the arrival of the Spaniards in 1493 until the settlement of San Juan and other towns. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | History as Fiction in Central | Horacio Quirogas: The Poe | The unit presents information on Horacio Quirogas’ life and analyzes the elements of his work. The unit is recommended for a Spanish II or III class. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | History as Fiction in Central | The Art and Times of | The unit analyzes the life, philosophy and work of Diego Rivera. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Time Machines: Artifacts | Mexican Culture Taught | The unit uses the object analysis approach to teaching students about the Aztec calendar. The unit includes reading Aztec legends, learning about daily life, the calendar and their festivals and holidays. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Society and Literature in | Mythology: A Study of | The unit provides an overview of the study of folklore and analyzes Puerto Rican myths and legends. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Writing Across the | Writing Up a Spanish | The unit teaches short story and poetry writing in Spanish class. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Adolescence and Narrative: | An Introduction for | The unit provides a critical approach to teaching Don Quixote in a Spanish class. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Adolescence and Narrative: | A Guide to Teaching the | The unit covers the geography, history and culture of Venezuela. The primary reading addressed is the novel, Dona Barbara. It also provides an extensive vocabulary list from the novel. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Units in History
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume I | The Use and Abuse of | Films about the Fifties: | The unit examines films from the fifties to put current fads into a new perspective. Films included are American Graffiti, Dead Poet’s Society, and Imitation of Life. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Use and Abuse of | Let Justice Roll Down: | The unit discusses the NAACP use of the court system to end segregation during the Montgomery bus boycott, the work of Malcolm X and the civil rights struggle in Mississippi. Films included in the unit are: Separate but Equal, The Long Walk Home, Ghosts of Mississippi, Mississippi Burning and Malcolm X. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Use and Abuse of | Teaching Ethnicity and | The unit centers on a reading of Thomas Sowell’s Ethnic America. The unit provides detailed guidelines and suggestions for teachers trying to select films that complement History curriculum. An extensive film review list is provided. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Environmental and | The Gulf War and Its | The unit follows the day-to-day developments of the Gulf War as well as discusses war crimes and on the Pentagon-denounced Gulf War Syndrome. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Environmental and | Is Gulf War Syndrome | The unit teaches students to examine: evidence from war, its medical effects, government comments, the nature of casualty, and media coverage. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Race and Representation in | The Eye Behind the | The unit examines the function of stories, folktales and oral history in comparison to the negative influences of cinema and the media. The unit focuses on the treatment of the African Americans in the U.S. during slavery. Films included are: Brother Future and You Must Remember This. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Film and Literature | Lincoln, Douglas and | The unit combines History and English. It uses major political writings to show how written ideas eventually became law. A viewing of the film Glory is included in the lessons. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Racism and Nativism in | What About My 40 Acres | The unit defines the terms - reparations, retribution and redress and examines the legal connotations of each term. The unit compares the experiences of Native Americans, Jewish and Japanese communities to that of African Americans. Lessons include a mock trial. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Racism and Nativism in | What Am I Equal To? | The unit analyzes the idea of "special" groups as a means for justifying superiority, divisiveness and oppression. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Minority Artist in | Bridging the Gap | The unit is presented in the context of ‘barriers’ to overcome according to five themes: social barriers, educational barriers, political and legal barriers, and hate and regional barriers. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Regions and Regionalism in | The Law in the North and | The unit is written for a Business Law class. It is divided into sections that address divorce law, bankruptcy law, torts, minors and the law and school rules.
Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Regions and Regionalism in | "Carefully Taught" | The unit presents prejudice as a result of one’s regional influences. It includes the novel Black Like Me and the movie Soul Man.
Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Regions and Regionalism in | The Victorian Age – A | The unit analyzes the richness of New Haven’s Victorian past through history, slides and walking tours. Some options for viewing Victorian architecture in Hartford and Norwalk are also included.
Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The U.S. National | The Wilderness Concept – | The unit is divided into three parts: the evolution of ideas surrounding the concept of ‘wilderness’, an overview of history of conservation and preservation, and parks from a scientific perspective. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The U.S. National | Outdoor Museums; | The unit introduces the study of various landscapes as outdoor museums. An analysis of how American parks reflect American values is also presented. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The U.S. National | The People and Philosophy | The unit discusses individuals whose writing, philosophies and contributions helped save areas of land. The unit also explores the concepts of ‘wilderness’, the Wilderness Act, and connects American Literature to politics and the environmental movement. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The U.S. National | Eclectic Perspectives for | The unit relates the value of National Parks to American history and literature. The unit also provides extensive facts on the National Park system. Case studies are used to address issues of conservation and preservation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | American Communities | Utopian Communities | The unit is designed for American or World History classes. It supplements an earlier unit "Utopian Communities: European Roots, American Realities," from 1987. The unit asks students to compare two communities: New Harmony, Ohio and Oneida, New York. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | American Communities | Double Minority: | The unit analyzes the plight of the Haitian population in Haiti and in America. Lessons address the history of Haiti and the immigration of Haitians to America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | American Communities | "Lynch Law" – An | The unit is recommended for an American History class and explores four major topics - history and evolution of the term ‘lynch law,’ mob mentality and the KKK, examination of actual lynching and the effects lynching has had on the united States. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | American Communities | Urban New Haven | The unit analyzes the historical and physical background of New Haven, while also looking at the contributions of organizations, business and individuals on the redevelopment of the Dixwell Avenue community. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Immigrants and | The Harlem Renaissance: | The unit explores the ideas of major thinkers and artists from the Harlem Renaissance – Alan Locke, W.E.B. Dubois, James Weldon Johnson, Marcus Garvey, Meta Warrick Fuller, Palmer Hayden, William Johnson, James Lesesne Wells, and Aaron Douglas. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Odysseys: Nineteenth and | Slave Narrative: Black | The unit presents various slave narratives and guides students through independent research projects. Readings include the narratives of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman. The film William and Ellen Craft is also addressed. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Odysseys: Nineteenth and | Lincoln, the Great | The unit examines the factors that motivated Lincoln to draft the Emancipation Proclamation. His personal life, personality and social environment are also utilized. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | America in the Sixties: | What Do They Want? | The unit analyzes the civil rights movement, the women’s movements and counter culture during the 1960’s. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | America in the Sixties: | Peace and Aggression: A | The unit examines America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. It presents discusses issues such as the morality of war, problems of obedience and authority and the distinctions between legitimate force and violence. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | America in the Sixties: | The Sixties: Notes | The unit uses the music of the sixties to examine youth, American culture and counter-culture. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | America in the Sixties: | The Revolution in | The unit analyzes the content and styles of journalists during the 60s and 70s, as well as discusses the development of "new journalism." Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | America in the Sixties: | Electronic Surveillance: | The unit examines the use of electronic surveillance and its compliance to the Bill of Rights. The unit includes a student survey. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Society and the | History/Mystery: | The unit requires that students have already had exposure to The units in history on colonialism, slavery, civil rights and the westward movement. This unit uses detective fiction to compare major events in American history to contemporary life. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Writing Across the | Reading and Writing | The unit analyzes the cause of, results of and issues related to the Civil War. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Writing Across the | The Sparkplugs: Special | The unit provides teachers with assignments for students to select in a history class – topics include writing about national events, holidays and politics. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | The Present as History | New Perspectives on | The unit approaches the African American experience not as an integral part of the total American experience. The unit further analyzes various types of communities – urban, rural, suburban and the experiences of African Americans within each. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Themes in Twentieth | The Foreign Policies of | The unit examines the decision to drop the atomic bomb and Truman’s views on Korea in the 1950’s. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Themes in Twentieth | From the Shtetl to the | The unit relates the experiences of Jews in Russia to those in the Lower East Side of New York City. The unit includes assessments for pre- and post testing students on background knowledge. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Themes in Twentieth | Student Protest in | The unit is designed for U.S. History II classes. The unit covers four major topics – political, economical and cultural background in the 1960’s, signs of youth ‘counterculture’, examples of student protest, and what has resulted from those protests. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Themes in Twentieth | The Negro Holocaust: | The unit examines lynching and race riots while also presenting blacks’ reaction to such events. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Themes in Twentieth | The African and the | The unit examines the results of various interactions between African Americans, Pequot Indians and English people from the 17th to the 20th Century. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Themes in Twentieth | The 1920’s: The Rise of | The unit examines the economic, social and cultural aspects of the 1920’s. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | Booker T. Washington | The unit is designed for students in grades 10-12. It examines the difficulties faced by Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | Harlem Renaissance: | The unit discusses major contributions made during the Harlem Renaissance. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | The Black Man in Late | The unit reveals writers’ contributions to establishing two distinct writing cultures in the 19th Century – white writers’ regional Southern romanticism and African American writers of social consciousness. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | Migration North to the | The unit investigates the migration of blacks from the rural south to northern industrial cities. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | Parallel Studies in | The unit compares select writings of white and black Americans from the late 19th through the early 20th century Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | The Social Contributions of | The unit examines the major contributions of intellectuals, writers and artists from the Harlem Renaissance. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | Two Controversial Cases in | The unit compares two dramatic revolts in New Haven history. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | The Foreign Policy of 78.03.01 | The unit examines the expansionist and appeasement policies following WWI. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | America’s Wars 78.03.02 | The unit examines the causes and affects of the Spanish-American War, and America’s involvement in World War I and World War II. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | Prohibition as a Reform 78.03.03 | The unit discusses prohibition as a "temperance" or reform movement in American history. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume IV | American Political Thought | Democracy in Action | The unit integrates History, English and Math with an analysis of democracy and projects such as the construction of murals and marionettes and play writing. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | American Political Thought | We the People: New | The unit presents criticisms and defenses of the U.S. Constitution. It includes the use of primary documents in addition to secondary sources. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | American Political Thought | Changing Times | The unit examines the character, magnitude and impact of "black politics" from the early 1800’s to the present day. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Student Diversity and Its | New Movements for | The unit examines the struggles of three communities in America: Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Cubans. Lessons ask students to analyze concepts such as ethnicity, multiculturalism and diversity. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Multiculturalism | Black Skin, White Justice: | The unit explores issues surrounding the criminal justice system and minority rights. Specifically, the unit compares the Goetz criminal case of 1984 to the infamous O.J. Simpson case. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Multiculturalism | Multiculturalism and the | The unit examines racial prejudice in the criminal justice system. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume III | The Constitution and | Understanding the | The unit explores the nationalization of the Bill of Rights in regard to criminal procedure in American society. The unit identifies flaws in the Bill of Rights and examines select Bill of Rights court cases. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The Constitution and | The Constitution, Juvenile | The unit introduces the elements of the constitution and landmark cases affecting teenagers. Emphasis is placed on individual responsibility and examples of meaningful change achieved through the legal system. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Family Law, Family Lives: | A Child’s Rights in the | The unit focuses on four legal issues: refusal by parents to authorize medical care, juvenile curfews, a child’s right from inadequate parents, and compulsory education. The unit includes a mock trial. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I 1992 | The Constitution, Courts and | Equality of the Educational | The unit focuses on the 1st and 14th amendments and presents an analysis of Connecticut schools in relation to educational funding and policy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Contemporary American | Acting Up in | The unit is centered on the preparation and enactment of a mock trial. Topics addressed are: causes of crime, criminal investigation procedures, and courtroom procedures. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Constitution in | Debating Teenage Rights | The unit examines Supreme Court Decisions involving/affecting teenagers. The unit provides detailed outlines for holding class debates. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Constitution in | The Constitution, | The unit explores censorship and school curriculum. The 1925 Scopes trial is the unit’s main focus, but it also provides information on other cases related to censorship. The film Inherit the Wind is utilized. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The Constitution in | From Plessy v. Ferguson to
| The unit addresses two key Supreme Court cases and explores issues such as the Jim Crow Laws and the 14th Amendment. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Present as History | Curriculum Unit: | The unit provides a brief history of prison and analyzes what happens to a criminal once sentenced to prison. The unit compares traditional jails, prisons and reformatories and non-traditional facilities. The unit includes an oral presentation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | The American Economy | The unit analyzes the American economy and briefly makes comparisons with that of the Soviet Union. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume III | Immigration and | Those Who Built | The unit examines the various conditions that fueled immigration to New Haven over the last 300 years. The unit focuses on the use of primary sources for research. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Immigration and | Native Americans and the | The unit addresses cultural conflicts and legal issues that applied to Native Americans in history and today. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Immigration and | African Americans | The unit addresses how migration started in Africa with some information on the slave trade. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Immigration and | The Italian Immigrant | The unit takes an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing the immigrant experience of Italians. The unit includes analysis of immigration laws and their effects. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Immigration and | The Non-immigrant | The unit examines forces that caused Puerto Ricans to leave and later return to their island. One major lesson includes an analysis of Puerto Rico’s status as a state, commonwealth or independent country. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Remaking America: | Los Voces del Caribe: | The unit examines recent migrants/immigrants: Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican. Two films are included: Puerto Rican Passages and A Dream Ensnared. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Latin American Lives: | South American | The unit focuses on immigration to Argentina and South America during the 19th and 20th centuries. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Immigrants and | The American Experience | The unit analyzes the immigrant experiences of Italians, Jews, Irish, Germans, African Americans, Puerto Ricans and Chinese during the 19th and 20th centuries. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Writings and Re-Writings | The Evolution of Latin | The unit is divided into four chapters: Old World Spanish culture, the geography of the New World, Latin American cities and the future direction of Latin America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Writings and Re-Writings | 1986 Capsule: Hispanic | The unit begins with a study of Spain during the 15th and 16th centuries and concludes with an analysis of the Spanish influence in Latin America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Hispanic Minorities in the | The Mexican-American | The unit can be used in Spanish or History classes. The unit begins with a brief history of Mexico and expands to analyze Mexico’s influence on the United States. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Hispanic Minorities in the | Hispanic Immigrants: | The unit looks at Hispanic immigrants’ problems of assimilation and acculturation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Hispanic Minorities in the | 1984: Culture and Conflict | The unit reveals the diversity among Hispanics in the United States. Specific emphasis is placed on issues related to parents such as contraception, images of men and women, and teen pregnancy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Hispanic Minorities in the | Teaching Culture: | The unit addresses incorporating cultural studies into a foreign language class. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Hispanic Minorities in the | Latin American Women: | The unit examines Latin American women and their contributions. Prominent women presented are: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Eva Peron, and Julia de Burgos. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | 20th Century Afro- | Italians and Blacks in | The unit provides a general historical framework of the local Italian and Black communities. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VII | The Population Explosion | There’s More to Sex | The unit examines unintended teenage pregnancy in a forum for raising students’ awareness. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Student Diversity and | The City of New Haven: | The unit asks students to examine educational assumptions such as, "the means justify the ends," "a diversified student population is advantageous," and "race itself is a meaningful concept." Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Family Law, Family Lives: | Minority Teenage Fathers: | The unit examines the court system in America, laws and possible solutions related to teen fathers. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Family Law, Family Lives: | Adolescent Pregnancy | The unit guides students to critically read and write on a controversial topic. Novels presented are: My Darling and My Hamburger. The unit provides the format for a debate on the distribution of condoms in schools. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Time Machines: Artifacts | Body Language: The | The unit uses the object analysis process to analyze fashion as a form of communication. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | Time after Time in the | The unit analyzes the complexities of adolescence while also teaching statistics in relation to students’ daily lives. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | Statistical Drug Abuse and | The unit is designed to help students improve their ability to make decisions using statistical drug abuse as its main focus. The unit includes a student survey. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Cross-Cultural Variation in | Being Old | The unit analyzes society’s obsession with youth while discussing issues that currently concern the elderly – finances, housing, health care and ageism. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | The Changing American | Family Life in America: | The unit analyzes various family units. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Adolescence and Narrative: | Ages in Stages: An | The unit examines the issue of "coming of age" and combines analyzing the eight stages of human development with reading short stories that provide examples of each stage. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume III | Art and Artifacts: the | Mohandas Ghandi: | The unit makes extensive use of the film Ghandi. The unit addresses fundamental human rights questions and guides students to understanding Ghandi’s "world view." Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | The Family in Art | Family Life Among the | The unit focuses on family customs among the Ashanti, a tribal group living near the West African coast. The unit includes vocabulary lists, geography, art and social studies lessons. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Latin American Lives: | Spain and France | The unit analyzes the political situations in Spain and France during the middle ages. The effects of the French Revolution and the explorations of Christopher Columbus are also valuable elements. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Family Ties in Latin | The Heritage of | The unit covers three main topics: history of Puerto Rico & Cuba, writers from each country, and Latin-American contributions in the U.S. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Writing of History: | Historians are Real People: | The unit examines historical novels to learn history. The unit uses the topic of British culture as its main focus and utilizes the novels Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell and The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Topics in Western | The Ideas and Ideals of | The unit covers two main focuses – the Renaissance and a study of Italian humanism and the Protestant Reformation as a product of and challenge to the Renaissance. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Topics in Western | Feasts, Fairs and | The unit focuses on Renaissance rituals and celebrations and their impact on present day traditions. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Topics in Western | The Vision of the City | The unit examines the development of cities during the Renaissance. Most of the unit focuses on the growth of London. Plans are provided for examining cities in Italy and Holland as well. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | History as Fiction in Central | Revolts Against Colonial | The unit analyzes the causes and underlying issues related to various revolts in Caribbean America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Time Machines: Artifacts | Egyptian Tomb Art: | The unit uses Socratic questioning and object analysis to explore the Egyptian culture through artifacts. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilization | The Athenian Court and | The unit provides an outline of the Athenian court system and compares it to the American court system in an effort to show the necessity of the court system. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Cross-Cultural Variation in | Secondary Education in | The unit analyzes educational reform in China after the Chinese Communist Revolution. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | An Unstable World: The | The Modern Mercenary | The unit analyzes the decolonization of Africa as fertile ground for busy mercenaries. The unit analyzes the images of modern mercenaries as romantic warriors and adventurers. Guidelines for creating a model African village are provided as well. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Society and Literature in | The History of the Catholic | The unit examines the history of the church to present continuing liberation sympathy in Latin-America. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | An Interdisciplinary | China: Portrait of Change | The unit examines 19th and 20th century history in China and presents Western attitudes toward China. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | An Interdisciplinary | The Industrial Revolution | The unit examines the development and affects of the industrial revolution in England. Excerpts from the novels Oliver Twist and Hard Times are also utilized. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | The Present as History | The World War II | The unit attacked the propaganda that the Holocaust never happened. It provides information on topics such as prejudice, scape-goating, the Jewish Ghetto, concentration camps and the world’s reaction to the Holocaust. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
- African American Literature
- American Literature
- Drama
- Hispanic/Latin-American Literature
- Language and Writing
- Mythology and the Epic
- Poetry
- Women's Literature
- World Literature
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume III | Twentieth-Century | The Role of the African | The unit is designed for a creative writing class and provides samples and discussion topics of playwrights. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | African American | Douglass, Booker T. and | The unit analyzes the educational views and experiences of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. The Narrative of Frederick Douglass is used as an introduction. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | African American | Dark Voices from | The unit examines various oral and written testimonies about slavery from slaves. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Recent American Poetry: | In Search of | The unit focuses mostly on poetry writing as a means of expression for students. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Writing About | Portraits: The Black | The unit uses major works of literature to analyze the black struggle to survive in American culture. Works addressed are: A Raisin in the Sun, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Black Boy and Passing. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Twentieth Century American | Autobiography: | The unit explores the differences between autobiography and biography and fiction. The unit’s main focus is on I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings but also includes some lessons on Angelou’s poetry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Autobiography | The Voice Within | The unit provides lesson plans on the autobiographies of Frederick Douglass, Benjamin Franklin and Maya Angelou. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Autobiography | His Story/Her Story/ | The unit uses a text, Afro-American in The united States History as a primary source. Students make daily journal entries and major topics covered include the emancipation proclamation, African American autobiography, and the Civil War. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The "City" in American | Yet I Do Marvel: A | The unit analyzes black literature from the 1920’s and the 1960’s. The unit’s main focus is on analyzing each work of literature within its historical context. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Stranger and Modern | The Stranger Redeemed: A | The unit examines the concept of the black hero in literature. The unit focuses on the stories and poetry of Langston Hughes. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Stranger and Modern | Parallel Studies in | The unit analyzes the theme of alienation comparing the poetry of T.S. Eliot and LeRoi Jones. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume I | Regions and Regionalism in | The South in Literature | The unit uses literary words to examine social tensions, the role of class and gender and political and economic history in the South. Works included are To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Sounder. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Regions and Regionalism in | African American | The aim of the unit is to relate characteristics of people to their region. Primary resources for the unit include both prose and poetry. The unit also addresses the great migration and the Harlem Renaissance.
Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Detective Fiction: Its Use as | American Detectives | The unit pairs books with TV presentations to analyze detective characters. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Responding to American | Discovering Hemingway | The unit teaches the elements of the short story using the stories of Ernest Hemingway and a seminar format for class discussion. Lesson plans guide students through writing position papers and personal responses. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | Willa Cather’s My Antonia: | The unit provides a comprehensive approach for teaching My Antonia. The unit includes ready-to-use assessment pieces. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | Utopian Communities: | The unit examines several utopian communities and their leaders. Students will plan their own utopian community and participate in a mock trial. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | Cyclic Symbolism in | The unit analyzes the concepts of the American Dream and tragedy in Theodore Dreiser’s 19th century novel, Sister Carrie. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | War Beyond Romance: The | The unit debates both the evils and the justifications of war using The Red Badge of Courage as the central reading assignment. The unit includes theoretical approaches to analyzing mankind’s aggression. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Writing About | The Humor of America | The unit presents the humor of writers Ben Franklin, Washington Irving and Davy Crockett and Mark Twain. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Twentieth Century | Katherine Anne Porter’s | The unit is designed for English students in grade 11. It provides background on Katherine Anne Porter’s life and career as well as lesson plans for each work presented. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Oral Tradition | The Oral Tradition: | The unit analyzes the oral tradition from before Christ, through the 19th century in America, in ballad form across cultures and time periods, and as it appeared in a 20th century novel. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | American Adolescents | Dress Rehearsal | The unit analyzes the novels The Catcher in the Rye, Summer of 1942 and A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ But a Sandwich. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Autobiography | The Voice Within | The unit provides lesson plans on the autobiographies of Frederick Douglass, Benjamin Franklin and Maya Angelou. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Society and the | Very Good Fare | The unit provides many creative projects to accompany any detective novel. Lesson plans include sleuth games, writing mystery stories and working together in mini-mysteries. The book list provided is divided according to student reading levels. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The "City" in American | The Janus-Faced | The unit addresses major themes in American literature including: the American dream, the individual in the city, ethnic diversity and the grandeur of the city. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The "City" in American | The City in Black | The unit analyzes images of the city in America using literature and photography. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The "City" in American | American History through | The unit provides lessons on literature that reveal various emotional issues concerning adolescents. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Adolescence and Narrative: | Some Strategies for | The unit addresses the theme of friendship in the novels: A Separate Peace and My Antonia. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Adolescence and Narrative: | The Modern Novel: | The unit uses several novels to teach critical reading strategies. The unit includes lesson plans on analyzing language and the use of literary devices. Novels addressed are: A Feast of Snakes, The Floating Opera, To Have and Have Not, and The Lady in the Lake. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Stranger in Modern | The Stranger in Fiction | The unit analyzes "stranger" characters and the theme of estrangement in fiction. References are made to the works of Conrad, Hemingway and Faulkner. No specific student reading assignment is presented. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Strategies for | An Aesthetic Overview | The unit discusses short stories, the novel The Pearl and narrative poetry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | Interpreting Ideas in | The unit examines American literature that reflects the following themes: innocence, industrialism, tradition and salvation. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | A Unit on 78.03.08 | The unit presents the elements and types of folklore while analyzing theme in works of art and literature. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume III | Twentieth-Century | The Role of the African | The unit is designed for a creative writing class and provides samples and discussion topics of playwrights. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Twentieth-Century | Remember the Time: An | The unit is designed for English classes and provides a chronological approach to teaching drama. Readings include Sophocles’ trilogy, Everyman, Much Ado About Nothing, A Doll’s House, The Glass Menagerie, and The Colored Museum. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | A Guide to Teaching the | The unit connects the characters and themes of As You Like It to the lives of inner city youth. The unit includes ready-to-use activities for each act. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | The Oxcart and A Raisin in | The unit uses drama to compare and contrast Romanticism, Realism and Idealism. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | American Musical Theater | From Books to Broadway | The unit uses West Side Story and Fiddler on the Roof to teach the elements of drama in conjunction with teachers in music, theater and art. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilizations | Euripides’ Alcestis | The unit analyzes Euripides’ Alcestis as an introduction to Greek tragedy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilizations | Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex | The unit uses the classic Oedipus Rex to teach an introduction to Greek tragedy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Drama | The American Dream and | The unit discusses the concept of the American Dream using the following plays: Death of Salesman, The American Dream and A Soldier’s Play. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Drama | Drama for Those Who Do | The unit uses one-act plays, radio plays and theater visits to entice reluctant students to appreciate drama. Major works discussed are: Death of a Salesman and A Raisin in the Sun. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Drama | A Hands-On Approach to | The unit provides individual and group activities for each act of Hamlet. The unit includes lessons in acting and staging the play as well. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Drama | The Teacher Directs: | Designed for an English class, the unit addresses the elements and affects of movement, improvisation and staging in drama. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Drama | Marlowe and Faustus: | The unit concentrates on the text Doctor Faustus to analyze the theme of archetypal human dilemma. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Drama | Dramatize English | The unit is designed to teach English skills through improvising and role-playing. The unit’s culminating activity is a performance of one-act plays. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Drama | Contemporary Drama: A | The unit teaches the excerpts from the works of Tom Stoppard, Samuel Beckett, David Rabe, Edward Albee and Sam Shepard. The main focus of the unit is on boundaries in performance, the plays’ themes or the characters’ behavior. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Drama | Images of Black | The unit examines the images of black female characters in the plays, Soul Gone Home, A Raisin in the Sun, and Five on the Black Hand Side. The unit also pairs each play with poetry selections. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Drama | Script Writing as a Means | The unit teaches script writing using various plot lines. Most of the unit revolves around writing dramatic dialogues. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Strategies for | Shakespeare: | The unit introduces Shakespearean society and the basic elements of drama. Plays discussed in the unit are Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Strategies for | Drama in the Classroom: A | The unit addresses Antigone, Romeo & Juliet, Everyman, The Importance of Being Ernest, The Wild Duck and The Bald Soprano. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Strategies for | Shakespeare for the | The unit uses Macbeth to teach reading strategies for understanding and analyzing Shakespeare’s language. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Hispanic/Latin-American Literature
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume I | Twentieth Century Latin | The African Presence in | The unit examines various elements of black poetry from the Caribbean. The unit addresses the concept of negritude and makes connections to the Harlem Renaissance. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Twentieth Century Latin | Survey of Latin-American | The unit uses the works of Sandra Cisneros, Julia Alvarez and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende to analyze Latin-American heritage. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Latin American Lives: | An Archetypal Approach | The unit uses two works – I . . . Rigoberta Mench, An Indian Woman in Guatemala and Child of the Dark, The Diary of Carolina de Jesus to analyze identity and autobiography. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Family Ties in Latin | Gabriel Garcia Marquez: | The unit uses short stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez to explore the theme of identity. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Modern Short Story in | The Latin-American Short | The unit provides a history of the Latin-American short story and addresses literary elements of the short story. Works of Gabrial Garcia Marquez are used the most. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Society and Literature in | Female Stereotypes in | The unit analyzes stereotypical female characters in Latin-American literature. The unit provides a copy and discussion of a poem to demonstrate an analysis. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume IV | Coming of Age in | Pathways to the | The unit uses poems, short stories, essays and excerpts from novels written by African American, Latin, Native-American and Asian writers. The unit provides opportunities for student introspection as well as techniques and mediums to stimulate imagination and creative writing. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Reading and | Tales from the City | The unit covers the Great Migration of blacks from the South to the North with a concentration on the "lure" of the city. Creative exercise includes writing a New Haven guidebook. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Reading and | A Cultural Journalist’s | The unit covers reporting as an examination of people, which includes identifying & preserving traditions. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Reading and Writing | Recognizing Voice and | The unit covers reading & writing in relation to recognizing and developing the concept of voice. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Responding to American | Autobiography and the | The unit teaches the writing process in relation to short story writing. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Process of Writing | Approaches to Writing | The unit is designed for students in grades 11 and 12. The unit provides a variety of lessons for guiding students through the writing process. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Process of Writing | Writing for a Purpose in | The unit uses literary works (Ethan Frome, Hamlet and Heart of Darkness) as springboards for teaching the writing process. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Process of Writing | Writing Workshop | The unit provides a writing workshop format for guiding students to complete various types of writing – descriptive, expository, narrative and writing a character sketch. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Process of Writing | Street Language | The unit focuses on the use of clustering or mapping to guide students to choose words and focus on their writing. Students are also asked to create a street language dictionary, pairing each slang term with a word in standard English. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Autobiography | Student Autobiography: | The unit uses journal writing to teach the writing process. An extensive list of writing topics is also included. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Writing Across the | Sentence Combining | The unit outlines strategies for teaching students to write more complex sentences. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Language and Writing | Motivational Techniques | The unit addresses internal and external factors that affect one’s reading – physical, mental, emotional, socio-economic, educational factors. The unit also provides strategies for motivating students to become active readers. No specific reading assignments are required. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | Letters and the | The unit addresses the history of mail service as a related to larger social and political concerns in history such as documentation and cryptology. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | Sequential Curriculum | The unit outlines topics for teaching composition. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | A Course in Basic Skills | The unit addresses basic skills of grammar, sentence construction and mechanics in writing. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | Ninth Grade English: | The unit addresses basic reading problems in decoding, vocabulary acquisition and sentence structure. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | Effective Methods for | The unit is designed for student to maintain portfolios to track progress in writing skills. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume II | Cultures and Their Myths | Writing Through Myths | The unit covers the historical, moral and philosophical issues raised in Greek mythology. The main focus revolves a full reading of Homer’s Odyssey & selections from the Iliad. Lessons include analysis of poetic elements specific to the epic. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Introduction to | Daedalus: The Long | The unit uses the Daedalus myth to introduce interdisciplinary study of the evolution of flight. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | The Odyssey and Morte | The unit uses selections from the two classic hero stories to analyze universal themes in literature. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | The Treasure of the Sierra | The unit analyzes various readings based on the theme of the search for a holy grail. Selections of Morte D’Arthur and The Once and Future King are used. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | Would You Like to Swing | The unit explores the author Edgar Rice Burroughs and his tales of adventure related to the theme of ‘the quest.’ Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Family in Literature | Coming Home: Teaching | The unit addresses Homer’s Odyssey as a family story – the tale of a man coming home to his family after a long war. The main topics discussed are the ideas of homecoming and reunion. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilization | Looking North of the | The unit compares Slavic literature and beliefs to Greek mythology. The unit focuses primarily on teaching epic poetry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilization | Twentieth-Century Oracles | The unit analyzes the Greek belief in consulting the Delphic Oracle. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilization | Heracles: Super Hero | The unit gives background on Heracles and provides an extensive glossary. Lesson plans require students to role play stories. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek Civilization | The Iliad – A Practical | The unit provides lessons on epic poetry with a detailed analysis of The Iliad. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek and Roman | The Odyssey: A Deeper | The unit provides brief lessons plans for the books of the epic. The unit provides a glossary and lessons for written and oral reports. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek and Roman | A View of the Odyssey | The unit provides lesson plans on The Odyssey with a focus on characterization. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek and Roman | Mythological Archetypes: | The unit uses the text Man, the Mythmaker to explore mythological archetypes across cultures. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek and Roman | Myth Connections | The unit makes connections between Greek and African mythology. Themes addressed include the Golden Age, heros and gods. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Greek and Roman | Greek and Roman | The unit analyzes the influence of mythology on contemporary society. The unit’s main reading assignment is the Labors of Heracles. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Stranger and Modern | The American Hero- | The unit focuses on the hero-quest pattern in mythology and American literature. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Stranger and Modern | Utopias: Man’s View of | The unit analyzes the concepts of utopia and dystopia in literature. An analysis of each concept in mythology and epics is provided. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Language and Writing | Myths and Folk Tales and | The unit examines tales and myths in relation to literary heritage and for teaching reading and comprehension skills. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume II | Poetry in the Classroom: | Dramatic Interpretations | The unit combines study of poetry with theater. The main focus is on the development of character. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Poetry in the Classroom: | Preciosite and Dandyism: | The unit analyzes the 17th century literary period in France and combines Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Recent American Poetry: | Working with Shakespeare, | The unit presents portions of Antigone; A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Poetry | Character Portrayal in | The unit guides students through reading poetry for four levels of meaning - sense, feeling, tone and intention. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The "City" in American | Past and Present New York | The unit covers New York during three periods: 1890-1930, the 1930’s, and 1950-1960’s. The unit compares themes present in photos and poetry from each period. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | The Stranger and Modern | Images of the City in | The unit emphasizes figurative writing in poetry and revolves around specific poems and songs related to the theme of isolation and the city. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Language and Writing | Poetry and Growth | The unit takes a philosophical approach to reading poetry and discusses the concepts of the real, ideal, and actual. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume I | Women’s Voices in Fiction | Sister Outsiders: | The unit examines American women writers within the contexts of voice and genre. Writers presented include: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Alice Walker, Tillie Olson, Kate Chopin, Zora Neale Hurston, and others. The unit includes a writing workshop component. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Women’s Voices in Fiction | "This is Not a Story to | The unit addresses teaching the novel Beloved both as historical fiction and as literature. The unit’s culminating activity is a mock trial. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Women’s Voices in Fiction | Mothers Represented in | The unit examines the development of female characters in fiction. The unit’s main focus is on short stories from various cultural perspectives. Authors presented are: Alice Walker, J. California Cooper, Tillie Olson, Julia Alvarez, Jamaica Kincaid and Hiyase Yamamoto. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Women’s Voices in Fiction | Gothic and the Female | The unit uses the story The Yellow Wallpaper to examine women’s voices in fiction with special emphasis placed on the theme of madness and on gothic literature as a genre. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Women’s Voice in Fiction | Daughters Coming of Age | The unit incorporates music, art and film to enhance literature. The unit includes African American, Hispanic and Asian writers to analyze the theme of coming of age. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | American Maid: Growing Up | "Women of Color": | The unit examines African-American women writers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Emphasis is placed on writers’ works that express black pride, strength, power and beauty. Writers addressed include: Phyllis Wheatley, Alice Walker, Sonia Snachez, Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston and others. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | African American | Magic, Sass, and Rage
| The unit focuses on African American women’s autobiographical writing in stories, poems and novels. Key themes addresses are identity, accuracy of autobiography, magic in the form of visions and wonder, sass as a weapon of self-defense, and rage. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Adolescence and Narrative: | Parallel Studies in | The unit explores the meaning of sisterhood in literature. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume III | Drama | Images of Bla | The unit examines the images of black female characters in the plays, Soul Gone Home, A Raisin in the Sun, and Five on the Black Hand Side. The unit also pairs each play with poetry selections. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | Women Writing 78.03.01 | The unit analyzes the biographies and select works of British writers, Virginia Woolf, Kate Chopin and Charlotte Bronte. The unit also provides a brief history of American women writers and an analysis of Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | 20th Century American | Woman: Her American 78.03.02 | The unit uses literature by and about American women to analyze the experiences of women in America. Major works addressed are: The Scarlet Letter, My Antonia, Sister Carrie, Main Street and The Grapes of Wrath. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume IV | Detective Fiction: Its Use as | Sherlock Holmes: Teaching | The unit is intended for basic level English students and focuses on Arthur Conan Doyle’s short stories. Format for lesson plans is the "Directed Reading Lesson." Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Epic, Romance and the | Les Mis | The unit presents portions of Les Miserables as historical fiction. It also provides extensive background on Victor Hugo. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Writing of History: | Historians are Real People: | The unit examines historical novels to learn history. The unit uses the topic of British culture as its main focus and utilizes the novels Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell and The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Time Machines: Artifacts | A Study of Twentieth | The unit uses poetry, short stories and art to analyze British culture in the 20th century. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | The Oral Tradition | Women in Traditional | The unit uses the Yale-China Association as a resource for teaching the role of women in Chinese culture and literature. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Reading the Twentieth | The Short Story: | The unit teaches short stories with a thematic approach and provides short critical excerpts on each story for analysis. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Reading the Twentieth | Small Packages | The unit teaches short stories as they represent metaphors for exploring specific literary elements of a story. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Society and the | Semi-Private Eyes | The unit uses detective fiction to analyze foil characters. Readings include works by Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | An Unstable World: The | Teaching African | The unit examines European powers that influenced Africa and its literature – Britain, France and Germany. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | An Unstable World: The | Victorian Seedlings of the | The unit analyzes the industrial revolution and its impact on the English social system. Discussions of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach and Thomas Carlyle’s Midas are presented. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | An Interdisciplinary | The Return of the Native | The unit examines characterization and myth in the novel. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | An Interdisciplinary | World War II: | The unit provides an outline of the major events of WWII and addresses three WWII novels: On the Other Side of the Gate, Dangerous Spring and Fireweed. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | An Interdisciplinary | Bridging the Centuries: | The unit provides background on the Victorian Age in England utilizing the following works: Vanity Fair, A Tale of Two Cities and Return of the Native. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | An Interdisciplinary | The British Thriller: | The unit examines the influences that shaped British fiction while also comparing attitudes between British and Americans. The unit’s two major readings are Thirty-nine Steps and Call for the Dead. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Strategies for | Teaching | The unit provides historical background for teaching A Tale of Two Cities within its historical context. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
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